Game Grumps Live is a comedy gaming show hosted by Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan. It's a Youtube Channel that includes weird shows like Table Flip, Steam Train, and How Bout This Game. It's a game publisher. It's a touring act. But most importantly, it's a group of people excited about creating literally anything. We're always working on something new and exciting, and we can't wait for you to see what's next.
Dan Avidan and Arin Hanson will bring Game Grumps, live on stage to New Zealand for the first time with a show that pits the audience against each other in a series of hilarious games – all to find out who really is the best gamer!
Dan Avidan is a musician and comedian who joined the YouTube series Game Grumps in 2013. He brings a chilled-out, positive presence to the show, and is often sent into uncontrollable fits of laughter by co-host Arin Hanson. Avidan grew up an admirer of "commentary" shows like Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and was thrilled to join Game Grumps to hone his craft and live out his comedy dreams.
The show's YouTube channel has more than 5.3 million subscribers and features episodes with guests like Ben Schwartz, Dan Harmon, Weird Al Yankovic, and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Born in New Jersey, Dan Avidan studied advertising at Boston University and later took improv classes in New York. He has lived in Los Angeles, California, for almost a decade, during which time he has hosted live shows and developed a following as an internet personality. Over the course of the past four years, Avidan and Hanson have performed sold-out "GG Live" shows across North America, Europe, and the UK.
Dan Avidan has also served as co-host for multiple other shows on the Game Grumps platform, including Steam Train, Steam Rolled, Table Flip, and Grumpcade. In addition, he provides narration for Hunting Monsters. His work with Hanson also extends to music as both personalities perform alongside Brian Wecht in the musical comedy group Starbomb. The band writes and performs video-game-themed songs and has produced three albums, including its self-titled debut, which reached No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Comedy Albums chart and features song titles such as ‘Luigi's Ballad’, ‘Rap Battle: Ryu vs. Ken’, and ‘Sonic's Best Pal’.
Avidan also collaborates with Wecht in the band Ninja Sex Party, which is inspired by musical comedy acts Flight of the Conchords and The Lonely Island. Ninja Sex Party has also released several studio albums and made its TV debut in 2018 on Conan.
Arin Hanson is a cartoonist, comedian, voice actor who came into notoriety for his ‘Awesome’ cartoon parodies posted on and He thought it would be funny to do a let's play comedy show, so then Game Grumps happened.
Arin is the titular ‘Grump’ of Game Grumps, frequently getting more than reasonably upset at difficult games, and giving his often-terrible opinions about how video games should be, instead of how they are. He frequently does stupid voices and fails at video games making his co-host Dan Avidan almost fall out of his chair laughing at his misfortune, which Arin is personally very proud of.
Arin was born and raised in Florida where he learned almost nothing about anything and ended up dropping out of school. The only thing Arin cared about was making people laugh, and doing stupid voices, so honestly Game Grumps was a dream job. Dan mentioned in his bio that he loved MST3k which honestly Arin loves too, and probably influenced him to make this kind of content. Arin is writing this bio, btw, if it wasn't too obvious. You probably haven't even made it this far, so here's kudos to you, loyal reader.
Arin has built many businesses over the years inadvertently, like Game Grumps, and also Real Good Touring, where he creates and tours live shows exclusively for internet creators. He is also one third of the comedy band Starbomb alongside Dan Avidan and Brian Wecht, who have played to sold out theatres across the nation. Arin loves to travel so honestly this was, like, a dream.
Arin enjoys a semi-lucrative voice acting career where he has appeared on such shows as Rick and Morty, The Owl House, and Mighty Magiswords, and in such games as Borderlands 3, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Arin moved to LA to pursue voice acting so even though it happened, like, a decade later, it's still a dream come true.
Arin developed the pin trading product ‘Arpeegees’ inspired by the classic RPG video games he grew up with. Arpeegees is devoted to the concept of ‘randomness’, as every product contains random pins or stickers out of a much larger set. Arin is obsessed with the concept of random, as he believes it promotes the idea of falling in love with something that is yours, and not necessarily something that you want.